British Values & Diversity
Our Curriculum Vision at Christ Church CE VA Primary School – Modern Britain and Diversity
Our School Vision:
‘To be a family where we love one another as Jesus loves us, learning and sharing together, growing in character and giving of our best to achieve greatness – ‘For with God, nothing is impossible’ (Luke1:37). To nurture compassionate, thoughtful and knowledgeable citizens of their community, country and the modern world’.
From this Vision, and our C.H.R.I.S.T. values, it follows that we will educate children about the make-up and principles that guide society in Modern Britain.
The school believes that national symbols such as the National flag are now symbols of Modern Britain in all its inclusive diversity and the collective societal and legal frameworks that exist today to ensure respect, tolerance and a balanced view of rights and wrongs where democratic discussion, debate and justification of views based on rational argument and evidence is valued and protected.
Our School will seek to educate every child whatever their background to respect the expression of views and opinions –within boundaries of legality, civility and our School Vision– and strongly challenge any that are contrary to those boundaries.
Our Curriculum policy details how we implement our Intent within the ‘overt’ and ‘hidden’ curriculum. The two documents below detail Curriculum links for British values. Please also see our PHRSE ‘Life Skills’ Curriculum page and our ‘Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation’ policies.