PE & Sport
Physical Education (PE) and Sport at Christ Church CE VA Primary School
‘Together, with God’s love, we can achieve anything’
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
are physically active for sustained periods of time
engage in competitive sports and activities
lead healthy, active lives.
In parts of our locality in Padgate, data shows that there are significant health problems associated with lifestyles / life choices with some children and some adults; a similar proportion to national averages of our Reception children are overweight when they start school. Our locality has very high rates of tooth decay relative to national. So our work to promote a love of sport and healthy lifestyles is crucial.
To do this:
We will teach the National Curriculum in PE.
We will enable children to develop fundamental movement skills with control and co-ordination.
We will teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel after exercise.
We will encourage enjoyment of PE through creative and challenging lessons.
We will teach children how to evaluate their own and other successes including through competition outcomes.
At Christ Church, we ensure each child has their PE entitlement of 2 hours per week by teaching one outdoor and one indoor PE session, averaged through the year.
From Nursery to Year 6, we follow the Real PE scheme of work which is fully aligned to the National Curriculum and focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning in PE. The foundations of the Schemes are based on Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) of agility, balance and coordination, inclusive competition and broader essential holistic skills.
The children in Year 3 and 4 also receive 10 hours of swimming lessons each year, and children in Year 5& 6 who have not achieved their KS 2 Award at the end of Year 4 also receive additional ‘catch up’ sessions.
We incorporate a ‘Daily Mile’ at least 3 times a week on average for our children, using our track.
EYFS outdoor learning includes the use of permanent Physical development equipment.
The children at Christ Church are encouraged to participate in outdoor activities as part of our yearly residential visits from Year 3 to Year 6.
All children take part in Sports Day- in KS2 this is an inter-House competition
Christ Church offers a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities, with a School Sports Crew in place to promote and organize competition in school and Playground Leaders to promote PE throughout the school including at breakfast club, playtimes and during lunchtime physical activities. Playground Leaders arrange intra-school competitions for KS1 and KS2 children. These sessions encourage children at Christ Church to enjoy being active and gives a commitment to children being active for 30 minutes throughout the school day.'
Safe Practice
All staff work to the accepted codes of practice in PE (ALPE). There are risk assessments in place for PE carried out in the hall and outside on the playground. Children must wear their hair tied back and remove all jewellery for PE. They wear trainers for outdoor PE and pumps for indoors. Because the hall is a multi-use area, bare feet are not permitted. Children who forget their kit should use lost property.
Teachers set a good example to the children by wearing full PE kit when teaching a PE lesson. There are qualified first aiders in school who are known to staff. Each teacher also keeps a record of children in their class with medical conditions which may affect their ability to participate.
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
We teach PE to all children, whatever their ability race, gender or background to ensure children at our school receive a broad and balanced curriculum. Children are taught in mixed groups and activities are differentiated accordingly to enable every child to access the lesson and be appropriately challenged. Where children have specific disabilities or health conditions, the school ensures that they can take an active part in PE by modifying activities, equipment and/or providing adult support at necessary. Where possible, children who are not participating in PE for reasons of health are given a role so that they feel included and have an awareness of the objective for the session. Such a role could be a scorer, referee, evaluator, photographer or videographer or have responsibility for equipment.
The proportion of Y6 children who were overweight or obese in the National measuring programme over three years combined is lower than the National average.
Children are active in school and participate widely in a large range of competitive sports competitions. This has been recognised with the Gold Games mark in the last three years to 2019 and considerable success in external competitions, including the representation of Warrington Schools at the Cheshire orienteering and Athletics finals in recent years. We have been given an LA award for ‘Sports Crew of the Year’ and our School was the 2018 Cheshire Schools Girls’ Orienteering champions.
Please see below!
How we are spending our PE Sport Premium
PE Curriculum

Year 5 Warrington Football Schools Cup Winners July 2023

Our 2023 Year 4 Cheshire County Gymnastic Winners: